A beautiful beaded bracelet that is as gorgeous as it is fun to make. This jewellery making kit using the kumihimo technique to create a unique and classic design. Each bracelet kit includes everything you need to make your own kumihimo bracelet including full written instructions. Why not give it a try? This fun beading project is perfect for the summer months.
Watch the tutorial on how to make a beaded kumihimo bracelet.
Carole –
What is included in the kumihimo beaded bracelet kit, please ? I already have the small kumihimo bracelet board.
Love the videos, so clear and easy to follow ! Thank you.
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Mathew Fisher –
Hi there! The kit includes all the beads and cords you would need as well as a clasp. It doesn’t include the kumihimo board but it does include a paper template that is used to make your own DIY kumihimo board for those who don’t already own one.
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